Elite hermit crabs trained for speed, agility, and endurance on our professional racing tracks (API connection unavailable, showing fallback data)
Scuttlebug the racing crabSCUTTLEBUG

A speedy crab with a knack for tight turns.

Speed: 92Agility: 95Endurance: 85Strength: 88
Hermie Hustle the racing crabHERMIE HUSTLE

Always on the move, never slows down.

Speed: 94Agility: 88Endurance: 90Strength: 85
Clawdash the racing crabCLAWDASH

Quick claws and quicker sprints.

Speed: 96Agility: 87Endurance: 82Strength: 84
Shelly Swift the racing crabSHELLY SWIFT

A graceful scuttler with style.

Speed: 91Agility: 93Endurance: 88Strength: 90
Pinchy Pacer the racing crabPINCHY PACER

Small but fierce, a true underdog.

Speed: 89Agility: 94Endurance: 86Strength: 92
Rocky Runner the racing crabROCKY RUNNER

Tough and steady, built for rocky terrain.

Speed: 87Agility: 85Endurance: 95Strength: 88
Sandy Sprinter the racing crabSANDY SPRINTER

Loves the beach and scuttles like the wind.

Speed: 95Agility: 90Endurance: 87Strength: 86
Turbo Tide the racing crabTURBO TIDE

A wave-riding wonder with unmatched speed.

Speed: 98Agility: 92Endurance: 89Strength: 87
Champion racing crabs